Experience the Tropical Wedding in Summer Isle!
“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of God – and in the face of this company – to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony…” When people are listening to this speech, wedding rings a bell.
Wedding is one of the most significant events in one’s life. If you desire to hold a wedding in tropical area but you cannot make it in real life, go experience tropical wedding in Summer Isle in Second Life!

Embraced by the magnificent waterfalls and towering coconut palms swaying gently in the wind, carpeted with emerald grass embellished by colorful flowers, you are totally immersed in the wedding of tropical atmosphere.
If you have no idea what to wear for the wedding, explore the shops in Summer Isle. There are plenty of delicate wedding dresses, jewelry, and shoes there to choose from.
You can arrange your wedding not only by yourself but also by the wedding planners in Summer Isle. The experienced wedding planner will provide private consultation and customize your dream wedding to fulfill your every need.

After everything is arranged, the wedding is about to be held. The bride and the groom will walk through aisle embellished petals of blessing and happiness. As the moment you say “I do”, with the witness of the minister, friends, and family, you become husband and wife.
I interviewed a bride, Marcy, in Second Life while she was setting up the tropical wedding in Summer Isle. She told me that “it will be fun when you do (get married in Second Life).” So if you have chance, get married and hold a tropical wedding here. The most wonderful part is only through experiencing on your own!