Come and give it a try. You will have a great impression on the sense of taste and the smell!

When people are asked what representative Taiwanese food is, stinky tofu often rings a bell. Stinky tofu is the unofficial national snack food of Taiwan. It is really popular. You can find it everywhere at the roadside stands and at the night market.
Why is stinky tofu so well-known? It is notable because of its “stink”. Stinky tofu is a form of fermented tofu, which is usually marinated in fermented vegetables, herbs or dried fish. Stinky tofu is cooked in various culinary skills. There are fried stinky tofu, stinky tofu boiled soup, basic plain stinky tofu, stinky tofu with pickled veggies and etc. You can choose your favorite and have a taste!
Stinky tofu has an extremely opposite appreciation. Some people stay away from it because of its awful smell. For them, the odor of stinky tofu smells like rotten food so that they are afraid to give it a try. However, some people are addicted to it because it tastes really delicious. Don’t be scared by its name and smell! It tastes much better than it sounds and smells. Even some foreigners love it. The host Andrew Zimmern in the TV series Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern tasted stinky tofu and commented that “it reminds me a really great cheese…it’s delicious.”
Stinky tofu is the food you cannot miss when you visit Taiwan. Come and give it a try. You will have a great impression on the sense of taste and the smell!
1 則留言:
Writer: Cherry
Editor: Apple
Reviewer: Doris, Fiona
Organizer: Amanda
In addition to some grammatical errors, one of the reviewers suggested that it would be better to talk more about how stinky the stinky tofu is and to have a more stinky topic. Moreover, the original title seemed to need a subtitle to support it. The picture provided in the news was so captivating.
[0:04] Amandast Dezno: first rounD!!!!
[0:04] Amandast Dezno: i 'll be the organizer
[0:05] Dori Yuhara: ok
[0:05] Amandast Dezno: who is going to be reviewd
[0:05] Dori Yuhara: i wanna be the reviwer
[0:05] Makong Broono: i'm editor
[0:06] Makong Broono: where is fiona
[0:06] Amandast Dezno: = =
[0:06] Amandast Dezno: is she still swimming
[0:06] Makong Broono: ha
[0:06] Amandast Dezno: i'll go get her
[0:07] Cherry1213 Lemon: so now we have organiozer, reviewer and what else
[0:07] Makong Broono: i'meditor
[0:07] Amandast Dezno: reader
[0:07] Amandast Dezno: writer
[0:08] Dori Yuhara: wait
[0:08] Dori Yuhara: now we got five persons in our group
[0:09] Dori Yuhara: so there is one role will be doubled
[0:09] Amandast Dezno: maybe 2 revirwers
[0:09] Dori Yuhara: okay
[0:09] Cherry1213 Lemon: myeah
[0:09] Makong Broono: wait fiona is lost
[0:09] Amandast Dezno: i can't see her
[0:09] Cherry1213 Lemon: where is she
[0:09] Amandast Dezno: where is she apple
[0:09] Amandast Dezno: she's not ouside
[0:10] Amandast Dezno: so who's the writer this time?
[0:12] Cherry1213 Lemon: i can be the writer this time
[0:13] Amandast Dezno: ok
[0:13] Fiona Galaxy: finally
[0:13] Cherry1213 Lemon: so shall i tell the story? or post my article here
[0:13] Fiona Galaxy: hello
[0:13] Cherry1213 Lemon: finally you r here
[0:13] Dori Yuhara: need ur blogger
[0:14] Amandast Dezno: i can not access your blog
[0:14] Cherry1213 Lemon: i change my blog
[0:14] Cherry1213 Lemon:
[0:15] Amandast Dezno: ok
[0:17] Dori Yuhara: finished
[0:17] Dori Yuhara: seems good
[0:17] Cherry1213 Lemon: thx
[0:18] yang75 Anton is Offline
[0:18] Cherry1213 Lemon: do u have any suggestion?
[0:19] Fiona Galaxy: i think u can have a more skinky topic
[0:19] Cherry1213 Lemon: like describe how stinky it is?
[0:20] Fiona Galaxy: yep
[0:20] yang75 Anton is Online
[0:21] Cherry1213 Lemon: i see
[0:22] Amandast Dezno: 9 minutes left
[0:22] Cherry1213 Lemon: any suggestion
[0:22] Amandast Dezno: "at" the night market
[0:23] Amandast Dezno: "extremely" opposite appreciation
[0:23] Fiona Galaxy: smelly but tasty: stinky tofu represents taiwan's gourmet snack
[0:23] Fiona Galaxy: thing like that
[0:23] Cherry1213 Lemon: thanks for correcting
[0:23] Fiona Galaxy: ha just my oponion
[0:24] Amandast Dezno: pic is good
[0:24] Amandast Dezno: im hungre= =
[0:24] Fiona Galaxy: me tooo
[0:24] Cherry1213 Lemon: me too
[0:24] Fiona Galaxy: i loeve stinky tofu
[0:24] Amandast Dezno: i lke stinky tofu
[0:25] Cherry1213 Lemon: when i was in Ukraine i presented this to students
[0:25] Amandast Dezno: anything else?
[0:25] Makong Broono: you need subtitle
[0:25] Amandast Dezno: editor? anything to say?
[0:25] Makong Broono: second subtitle
[0:25] Cherry1213 Lemon: yeah i forgot subtitle
[0:25] Cherry1213 Lemon: thanks for reminding
[0:26] Makong Broono: article is ok
[0:27] Fiona Galaxy: ok