Stacy & I arrived Thailand around midnight.
It was a little scary walking through the Khao San night market at such late time.
Lots of male foreigners hung out in the bar, trying to find something...
We walked really fast in case of harrassment.
Finally arriving Lamphu House, we found it was a delicate hotel.
The Hostel manager was so nice and with hospitality.
Stacy said he spoke really softly and slow *lol*
After taking a rest for a while, we went out to find something to eat.
I truly recommended BBQ!!! So yummy and cheap!!! Only 10baht.
【Second Day】

It was the first cultural shock for me cuz we needed to bargain a lot to get a reasonable & good price.
I was bad at bargaining *lol*.
I'd better shut up to let Stacy deal with the price for me haha.
We gained lots of good stuffs here, including my prom outfit:)
After a whole day shopping, we went to have massage for relaxing.
Watching people doing Thai massage was really scary, but it refreshed us after that.
It was a funny moment when the massagist put Stacy's hand upon mine. How wierd!!!
It was new to me that Thailand had curfew for beer selling, so we bought the elephant beers and played Jenga in the lobby.
One little boy peeped our contest behind us! (We noticed that, little boy *lol*)
It was a close call when I drew out the really tottering one but I made it Yeah!
Stacy could not believe it and finally I won the game.
My cheeks flushed because of the beer. Stacy made fun of me that I looked like 關公 haha.
【Third Day】
People here liked racing, even the boat but it was fun.
We ate yummy huh-pung here.
After that, we went straight to Pattaya.
The evil tuk tuk driver took us to the wrong place and charged us 20 baht each.
Liar plus devil!!!
It took us three hours to get to Pattaya.
Our room this time was really fancy, with TV, sofa, fridge and private bath room.
It was really cozy:)
We went to Walking street later.
We saw lots of middle-aged, gray-headed foreigners with Thai young girls...
It made us feel uncomfortable so we only stayed there for few minutes and went straight back.
He wanted to charge us for 300 baht but actually it only worthed 10 baht...
Thanks to Stacy's cleverness, we didn't let him gain his purpose.
Then we decided to do spa for relaxing.
It was really cheap, which cost us 900 baht each for scrubing & aroma massage.
But we felt shy cuz we needed to be naked in one room.
But it was really relaxing and refreshed spa:)
Though in the end, here came to an unexpected guest, scaring Stacy a lot!!!
【Forth Day】
The evil tuk tuk dirver was everywhere and we met another one...
He lied to us that it was very far but actually it was not!!!
The elephant was so cute:)It really walked slowly.
The elephant driver took really good photos for us.
And we also learned a new Thai word, "beautiful", which sounded like "水晶晶" in Chinese.
“象毛與大象”was really funny & cute:)
Way back to Bangkok, this time was much faster.
We visited the Grand Palace.
It was really magnificent, with spledid decoration and wall painting.
Thailand is a country full of culture and it really did a good job in tourism!!
We worshiped Elephant God there and hope it could make our wishes come true:)
We bought lots of stuffs at Big C.
I spent all my money there, ending up with only 6 baht in my wallet...
Stacy said I should have said 梭哈 when I paid *lol*
【Fifth Day】
On the fifth day, it was the day back to Taiwan.
Thailand is really awesome.
We definately want to visit there again!!!
People there are friendly and the food is really good!
I will miss BBQ a lot haha.
Thank you Stacy for taking care of me:)
It was really nice to travel with you! (hug)
We had a really good time:)))